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Christ Church Primary School

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Christ Church Primary School


Y5 Home Learning Work for Wednesday 3rd June


Spend 15 minutes on Doodle Maths or Doodle Tables.


Watch the video for today's lesson: Find fractions of an amount.

Complete as much of today's worksheet (below) as you can.

(Answers are at the bottom of this page.)


Practise this week's spellings.


When you buy a new board-game, one of the most important things in the box is the set of rules!

Rules are important for the game to be played correctly and to ensure that players do not argue. A poorly written set of rules can be very frustrating, so getting them right is crucial. 

Today's task is to write out the rules for the board-game you have been creating.

Start with a 'What you need' list and then use numbered steps to explain how to play in simple. but precise words.

The example below shows how detailed your rules may need to be!



It is time to test out your board-game.

You should now have a board, playing pieces and any extras, plus a set of rules.

First, try playing it on your own just to ensure that you have everything ready and the rules make sense.

Then, challenge people at home to play your game. Good luck - I hope you win!

