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Christ Church Primary School

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Christ Church Primary School

Autumn 2

We have had a busy term building up to Christmas.  We have had lots of year group trips including visiting Cheltenham Ladies College for an organ recital, a visit to the Mandir, cinema visits and forest school. We had a very special visitor in school, who was a world record holder for scooter tricks. The children learnt  how to jump and go up and down ramps on a scooter.

We have been learning about banter and when it becomes bullying in our 'Anti-Bullying Week.' We enjoyed making up anti-bullying raps as the theme was 'Make Some Noise.' We celebrated 'Children In Need' by wearing spots and donated money via CC monkey.

Inbetween all these special events, we did some great learning and managed to overcome things that we found challenging. We have been focusing on inferring meaning in social skills and how to converse appropriately.
