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Christ Church Primary School

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Christ Church Primary School


Yesterday's solution

Morning Challenge!



Visit ArithmeQuiz to practice some questions -aim for questions 15 - 30 today. If you get stuck, practice it with new questions. 


Go to White Rose Maths Home Learning Year 6 for today's lesson. 


Today you will need pages 8 - 9. 

Dig out yesterday's lists as you will need them today. 

Activity 3 - Making your first combinations 

Activity 4 - Try some alliteration 

Activity 5 - Judging your ideas 


Other activity - Blue Peter Badge 

Spend Tuesday afternoon redrafting and developing your Blue Peter badge letter/application. Make it as detailed and as beautiful as you can. Remember you have tomorrow afternoon to complete the application.

Please plan and produce a creative contribution to earn your badge. This could be a poem, a story, some artwork, a model, a recipe, a suggestion for the show, or an interesting letter telling us about something you have done linked to your hobbies and interests. 


These homelearning activities were set up by Cheltenham Science Group who came to our Stem Week back in the Spring term. 

Have a look and send  me photos of what you try out!
