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Christ Church Primary School

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Christ Church Primary School

SEND and THRIVE/Pastoral Support

‘Let your light shine’ Matthew 5:16

Special Educational Needs & Disabilities



At Christ Church C of E Primary School we aim to include all our children in our own rich, broad and inspiring curriculum supported by our ethos, values and aims. We want all our children to be independent, reflective, eloquent learners who grow to be happy and compassionate adults. 


We are an inclusive primary school, and warmly welcome pupils with SEND needs. Through our strong partnerships with pupils, parents and staff we can encourage our pupils to  be the best that they can be. Our aim is to meet the individual needs of all our learners, to enable pupils to access the curriculum and help remove barriers to learning. 


Under the guidance of our experienced SENDCO, Mrs Wyatt, we aim to provide early identification and targeted support for SEND pupils.  Her key role is to manage the SEND provision and resources across the mainstream school.

The school may need to seek advice and support from external agencies such as; Early Help, Advisory Teaching Service, Speech & Language Therapy and Educational Psychology Services or other services from Gloucestershire's Local Offer. Together, we aim for the best possible outcomes for all our children, including those with a range of additional and complex needs. The school follow the recommended Gloucestershire SEND Graduated Pathway. Where SEND pupils’ require more targeted support they will be placed on a My Plan. If there are multiple complex issues which require a deeper understanding a My Assessment can be written leading to a My Plan +. If a pupil has complex, challenging and diverse SEND, reaching the threshold of specialist support with High Needs, a request for an Educational Health and Care Plan (EHCP) will be submitted and extra provision sought. 


Please see the school’s SEND (Special Educational Needs and Disabilities) policy and procedures and our contribution to the SEND local offer. Our aim is to ensure that high expectations, early intervention and appropriate support for all our children is in place, to enable them to flourish and reach their true potential.


If you have a general concern about the progress your child is making please speak to your child’s Class Teacher first. If your concern is directly to do with a SEND or a Pastoral need then please contact Mrs Wyatt SENDCO, who will be happy to discuss your concerns .and make plans for a way forward.


Our Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Coordinator (SENDCO):

Mrs Roz Wyatt BA Hons, PGCE Primary, PCGE SPLD, AMBDA, NPQH - 



Our SEND Governor is Mrs Diane Bainbridge.


The SEND team consists of EHCP TP’s, Class TP’s and all Teaching Staff, overseen and coordinated by Mrs Wyatt.


If you wish to enquire about the Communication and Interaction Centre, please note that they have a separate admissions policy. Please see the C & I Centre Page.







THRIVE & Pastoral Support


Sometimes, families go through challenging times and may need support. Sometimes, for whatever reason, children can struggle to manage their emotions when facing challenges.Working together with parents and carers, will enable the child to make progress in confidence and reduce stress and worries.  Our aim is to work together with families to help to support pupils in times of need. 

Before these sessions start, it is normal practice to gather information, so the right targeted intervention can be planned. Generally, we use questionnaires such as the Strength & Difficulties Questionnaire, ELSA questionnaire, Blob tree and the online THRIVE profiling questionnaire. Parents will be consulted and their views sought regarding their children's strengths and difficulties.



The Thrive Approach is used at Christ Church to build positive relationships and to focus upon  a child's social and emotional development. It offers practical strategies and skills that are built around an online assessment which identifies a child’s key area of need. Differentiated provision is put into place by adults working most closely with the child. 

Our qualified advanced Thrive practitioners: Mrs Wyatt & Mrs Whybrew with experienced teaching partners: Mrs Moores and Ms Freer, work closely with the children to support their needs.

Action plans are provided for individual children, small groups and whole class. 



It addresses emotional and developmental needs, builds resilience and resourcefulness, decreases the risk of mental illness and allows the child to have the capacity to learn. THRIVE also gives the child(ren) tools to enable them to self-manage times of dysregulation. It also enables a child(ren) to think before acting, show initiative, gain confidence and to show tolerance and awareness of others. It also allows a child to develop a sense of identity.


Children may experience challenging situations during their time at school. These may include:

  • friendship or family issues
  • classroom behaviour
  • managing and regulating strong feelings


Our Thrive sessions may include the following activities:

  • storytelling
  • circle games
  • arts and crafts
  • cooking
  • sand play
  • movement and relaxation
  • role play and puppet work
  • games


Contact: Mrs Wyatt via email: or Mrs Whybrew: or phone: 01242 523392

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