Year 2 Autumn Term 2
This term we are busy with our learning!
- exploring "celebrating difference" in PSHE
- learning to join letters in Handwriting
- being geographers to find out how we'd survive in the South Pole in Geography
- learning about living things in their habitats with a focus on polar animals in Science
- creating artwork linked to polar regions in Art
- becoming more confident mathematicians with a focus on addition and subtraction in Maths
- developing our fluency and understanding in Reading
- looking closely at our writing to make it the best it can be in English
- practising ball skills and improving our fitness in PE
- listening and responding to pieces in Music
- studying what Christmas means to Christians in RE
- learning how to type, creating e-Books and understanding the importance of e-Safety in Computing
A very busy term ahead!
Mrs Proctor's friend Matt, who works as Chief Officer, replied to our email just as he was arriving into Antarctica this week! What an amazing opportunity for us to ask him questions about our topic on the South Pole. He replied with answers to each question and will send us more photographs of his trip there.
We have learnt to retell the story of "Lost and Found" so we can innovate it to write our own versions. This story will use expanded noun phrases and adverbials of time. We can't wait to write them!