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Christ Church Primary School

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Christ Church Primary School

Year 2

2024 - 2025 

Welcome to Year 2

Teacher: Mrs Proctor

Teaching Partner: Mrs Slee



2023 - 2024

Welcome to Year 2

Teacher: Mrs Proctor 

Teaching Partners: Mrs Slee, Mrs Stoddart, Mrs Jaynes, Mrs Rees


2022 - 2023 

Welcome to Year 2 



Teacher: Mrs Proctor

Teaching Partner: Mrs Slee



Welcome to Year 2!


Welcome to our Year 2 webpage.

Class teacher: Mrs Proctor supported by Mrs Slee, Mrs Tyler and Mrs Sugur.


Here is the link for our class padlet:   




Welcome to Year 2!


Welcome to our Year 2 webpage.

Class teachers: Miss Devoy and Mrs Parker supported by Mrs Slee.



Thank you!

It was lovely to see lots of you on Wednesday and it seemed like you enjoyed seeing each other too! Thank you very much for all of my kind, thoughtful presents and cards.

Have an AMAZING summer holiday!

Miss Devoy x

A message from Mrs Burton and Mrs Walsh to welcome you to Year 3.

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Still image for this video

Home Learning 2020 

Miss Devoy's email address:

Doodle Maths Summer Challenge!

It would be great to see lots of you Doodling over the summer holiday. It will help you to practise your maths, as well as being fun! Have a look at the link below to learn more about the challenge. 


Photography Competition

This competition has been extended to Monday 6th July so you have a few more days to take some brilliant photos! Read the flyer and letter from Miss Hillier to find out more information. It would be great to see some photos of the things that make you smile - maybe you could take a photo of something you do or somewhere you go this weekend!



Well done to the children who took part in the latest Kahoot! quiz. Here are the top 3 scores...

1. Logan - 17, 234

2. Bella C - 14, 882

3. Anton - 14, 139

Megan has created a family of cress heads at home!

Look at Flynn's beans and peas!

Creating our Cress Heads! We hope they grow soon!

Preparation for next week's Science session

If you would like to try the Science session next week (Thursday 25th), you will need to find/buy some cress seeds! You will also need a little container (like an empty yoghurt pot or egg shell) and some cotton wool. Don't worry if you can't get these things. You can try one of the additional activities instead!


I have created a new "Kahoot!" quiz for you all to take part in! 

If you haven't already done so,  you will need to download the "Kahoot!" app on a tablet or phone. 

Then, enter the PIN: 0697805

This should take you to my quiz called "Films and Books". 

You have until 5pm on Friday 26th June to give it a go...good luck! smiley

Sunflower update and growing rocket!

Join the Duchess of Cambridge for assembly

On Thursday 18th June, the Duchess of Cambridge will lead an online assembly for the Oak National Academy during which she will speak about the importance of mental wellbeing among children. The theme of the Duchess’ assembly is ‘spread a little kindness’.

The assembly will be live on the Oak National Academy website at 11am and can be accessed using the link below. 

Kahoot! Results

Well done to all of the children who attempted "The General Knowledge Quiz"!

Here are the top 3 scores:

1. Ruben - 27246 points

2. Tyler H. - 23844 points

3. Elena - 17989 points

Preparation for next week's Science session

If you would like to try the Science session next week (Wednesday 17th), you will need to find/buy some beans! Broad beans, butter beans, pinto beans or kidney beans are all ideal. You might already have these at home, but if not, try looking in the dried beans and pulses section of the supermarket!


A huge WELL DONE to Logan for practising his common exception words. He can read and spell them all now!


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It took us a while to complete this challenge! Can you do it?

Hi Year 2!

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A few photos from Tuesday afternoon!

**Preparing for next week's Science session**

Next Wednesday (3rd June) you will be investigating different types of seeds in our Science session. You might like to start collecting different seeds, fruits and flowers - e.g. grapes with pips, a sunflower head of sunflower seeds, orange with pips, avocado cut in half, pumpkin seeds, apple pips, etc.

Cheltenham Science Festival (2nd - 7th June)

Have a look at the website to see "What's on Science @ Home". There are lots of different events that will be streamed on the Cheltenham Festivals Youtube channel. I especially like the look of the "Family Show: The Quantum Mechanical Chocolate Factory" - all about food!

Well done to Bella for this brilliant attempt at today's "Estimate it!" Maths challenge! That's a lot of cartwheels!

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Still image for this video

The World's Largest Online Art Lesson

If you joined in with Rob's art lesson, send me a photo of your rainbow whale! Here's mine...

Bea has sent me her wonderful drawing!

Cheltenham Science Group

Have a look at these projects created by the Cheltenham Science group. There are different activities within each project and you can choose to do as many as you like! Let me know if you give any of them a go!

Looking to the Rainbow

A huge WELL DONE to Bella C. for taking part in the "Looking to the Rainbow" song that was organised by Mrs Walker! If you haven't already watched the video, you can find it on the Class Pages section of the website. Your singing was beautiful, Bella! heart


Have a look at The Royal Institution website if you would like to try some fun science experiments.

Week 4 - More photos!

Sunflower update and drawing

The sunflowers are getting bigger and bigger! I will plant them in the garden soon. 

I decided to draw a mackerel today. They are my favourite fish because of their amazing patterned scales. I also love the Latin name for mackerel - Scomber scombrus. smiley

Friday 8th May - VE Day 

I hope you all have a great day celebrating the 75th Anniversary of VE Day! If you are having a tea party or have decorated your house, let me know! I would love to see photos of your creations. 

Here are a few of the fantastic photos that children have sent to me!

Peanut butter cookies

I baked some yummy cookies this evening. If you love peanut butter as much as I do, you should try this recipe! (I halved all of the ingredients because I didn't want to make 24 cookies!)


Facts4Life Activity Mat

Have a go at these science and wellbeing activities!

Take a look at the "Operation Ouch" Youtube channel for more interesting videos and facts about the human body. 

Captain Tom Moore's 100th birthday 

Captain Tom Moore has raised millions of pounds for the NHS by walking 100 laps of his garden!

It is his 100th birthday on Thursday 30th April. 

The BBC - "To celebrate Tom’s 100th birthday we want photos of you and your family saluting Captain Tom Moore. The BBC will combine the nation’s photos into a mosaic to give to Tom on Thursday 30 April for his 100th birthday."

Visit the website below if you would like to join in!


Well done to the children who completed the "Types of sentence" Kahoot! quiz - lots of you had a go at this one! smiley

Here are the top 3 scores:

1. Elena - 13166 points

2. Logan - 13107 points

3. Bella T. - 13042 points

Doodle Maths

Year 2 are in the lead at the moment with 56% of you in the green zone! Well done! Keep on Doodling. 



Hi everyone!

I have created a new "Kahoot!" quiz for you all to take part in! 

If you haven't already done so,  you will need to download the "Kahoot!" app on a tablet or phone. 

Then, enter the PIN: 09302581

This should take you to my quiz called "Types of sentence". You might like to have a quick look at the pdf document attached below to remind yourself of the 4 different sentence types!

You have until 5pm on Sunday 26th April to give it a go...good luck!

Miss Devoy     

Sunflowers and Creme Egg brownies!

Hello Year 2!

I hope that you are enjoying the Easter break and you haven't eaten too much chocolate...

I made these Creme Egg brownies last weekend and there are only a few left now! Have you been doing any Easter baking?

My sunflowers have grown a lot and I had to move some of them into larger pots. They are really enjoying the sunshine! 

The Home Learning documents for next week will be on the website by Monday 20th April. 

Stay safe!

Miss Devoy smiley

Hi Year 2!

I hope that you are all safe and well! 

Here are a few Easter activities that you could do over the holidays. Make sure that you stay active and enjoy the sunshine in your gardens or when you are exercising. 

If you would like to show or tell me what you have been up to, send me an email:

I am missing you all!

Miss Devoy 

Sunflower update - they have started to grow!

Well done to the children who completed the Maths Kahoot! quiz.

Here are the top 3 scores:

1. George - 24868 points

2. Ruben - 22750 points

3. Anton - 18953 points

Friday 3rd April 2020

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Apologies for the strange facial expressions at the start of these videos... I'm not sure why that happens!

Here is my email address. Feel free to send me anything about what you have been up to:



Well done to the children who completed the first Kahoot! quiz.

Here are the top 3 scores (all scored 100%)

1. George - 20787 points

2. Elena - 19880 points

3. Ruben - 19866 points


I have created a NEW maths quiz for you to try! 

In the Kahoot! app, you will need to enter the PIN: 0670613

You have until Saturday 4th April at 5pm to complete the quiz. Good luck! smiley

Good morning Year 2!

I hope you are enjoying the challenges and activities at home. Remember that today is the first day of the Doodle Maths Easter challenge. I hope that lots of you can earn a badge and certificate for completing the challenge. There is a link on the Week 2 Home Learning document.  Good Luck!



Tuesday afternoon exercise

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Planting sunflowers

This afternoon, I planted some sunflower seeds. After adding water, I put these pots on my sunny kitchen windowsill.

I'll let you know when I see the little seedlings poking through the soil. I hope that they start to grow soon!

Number Challenge

Here's a number challenge for you to try. You can only use each number once!

You may need some perseverance for this...

Getting creative!

I have really enjoyed following Rob Biddulph's videos to create these little illustrations. 

I know that lots of you love drawing and these are very easy - I promise!

If you would like to give them a go, visit Rob's website:


Hi everyone!


I have created an exciting "Kahoot!" quiz for you all to take part in! 

All you need to do is download the "Kahoot!" app on a tablet or phone. 

Then, enter the PIN: 0601056

This should take you to my quiz called "Living things and their habitats".

You have until 5pm on Wednesday 1st April to give it a go...good luck!


Miss Devoy     

Home Learning Week 2 (beginning 30th March 2020)

Hello Year 2! I hope you all had a brilliant week and did lots of exciting learning at home! School was very quiet without you all and I have missed seeing your smiley faces! :)

I have attached a plan for this week - there are many other ideas and resources available online so feel free to use those as well! The other documents will be needed for some of the activities.

Have fun learning! 

Miss Devoy

Home Learning Week 1 (beginning 23rd March 2020)

See documents below. The first document outlines the plan for the week. Other documents will be needed for some of the activities. Have fun learning! 

Miss Devoy


As part of our school ‘Kindness’ week for Anti-bullying, we thought about the story ‘Have you filled a bucket today?’ We made our own buckets and were bucket fillers by encouraging our friends and sending them positive messages. It was great fun and we were so kind!

In Computing we have been thinking about algorithms and programming blue bots using left and right turns. We know how to ‘debug’ problems and loved using different maps of the world, UK and a street map to programme the blue bots. We also went outside and programmed out friends!

Our learning enquiry for the Autumn 2 term is:



What does our local area look like from above?


This is a Geography based topic, and we will be looking at a variety of maps of our local area.

Our key Geography learning questions will be:

Where in the world is my local area?

What is a bird’s eye view of my local area? (aerial map work)

What is the geography of my school? (fieldwork drawing own map of Malvern Road)

Which human and physical features might I see in my local area? (local area walk)

Why are keys important on maps?

What are compass directions and why are they important?


Our work will lead up to us making a messy map of our local area using a variety of resources!


During English lessons, we will be focusing on the texts: Journey by Aaron Becker, The Way Back Home by Oliver Jeffers and Beegu by Alexis Deacon. 


       Keep your eyes peeled for further updates!

Mrs Parker


In Computing and History, the children have loved retelling the events of the Great Fire of London through animation. They created their own moveable backdrops of London, and used the Stopmotion app to make the events come to life. If you would like to see the animated version, we should hopefully have the iPads to show you during next week’s open morning.

Our Warburtons visit! Today, Julie and Alice visited us from Warburtons! We learnt about the importance of being clean when cooking, found out about how bread is made in the Warburtons factory and the importance of eating a balanced diet. We then made our own bread rolls which looked and smelt delicious!

Kidditch- we had a great time this afternoon, zooming around on broomsticks and playing attacking and defending games using the quaffles! Our afternoon was magical!

Diary writing with quills- Our writing journey in English for the last 2 weeks has been focused on the diary of Samuel Pepys. Today we travelled back to 1666 with quills, ink and listened to the crackling of fire as we wrote our diaries as Samuel Pepys. Here are some photos of us working hard!

Our trip to the literature festival- We had a lovely morning at the Literature Festival. We met Little Chick and her friends who helped us learn some good lessons about how we should keep safe online! Here are some photos of our visit.

Fire service visit. Today the fire service visited us... they were so impressed about what we knew about the Great Fire of London! We talked about their jobs, then got a chance to be fire men and women by dressing up and even going in the fire engine. The best bit was our chance to squirt the hose!

We are working hard on understanding the place value of 2 digit numbers and finding different ways to partition 2 digit numbers.

Which materials are in our school and what are they used for? We went on a hunt around our school and found lots of different uses for one material. We also did some problem solving, and thought about what materials we might use if our school ran out of paper!

We have had a wonderful couple of weeks back and the children are really enjoying their new topic. Here we are in English, role playing out what the characters 'Vlad' and 'Boxton' might have seen during the Great Fire of London with their 5 senses.
