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Christ Church Primary School

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Christ Church Primary School

Spring term

World Book Day- our book swap.

World Book day- paired reading with Year 5!

As part of world book day, we visited the local library!

Can you recognise which poo belongs to a carnivore, herbivore or omnivore? We had a fun, exploratory science lesson observing different types of pretend poo. We could spot which belonged to a monkey, elephant or tiger!

Our virtual visit with Jennifer- she spoke to us about what it means to be Jewish, what is inside her home and gave us a virtual tour of her synagogue.

R.E - Our special objects. How do they compare with Jewish special objects? We brought in different special objects from home and the children talked about why they were important to their families. We saw different soft toys, pictures, stories, eggs and even some Russian dolls! We then looked at different objects that might be found in a Jewish home.

Spring 2 Term Learning


We hope you have all had a lovely half term. We are looking forward to the next term with the children.


This term’s whole school value is ‘Creativity’, which we will learn more about in our class services, as well as in the classroom. 


 What does learning look like in the Spring term?


During the spring term, the children’s learning becomes slightly more formal than in the autumn term, with the children working with more independence.


What will we be learning about?


  • In English, we will be reading 'Meerkat Mail' and writing post cards and animal fact files.
  • In Maths, we will be learning about place value to 50 and length and height.
  • In Science, we will be learning about animals, including humans and focusing on animal groups.
  • In RE, we will be exploring the question, ‘Who is Jewish and what do they believe?’
  • In Computing, we will be learning about collecting and presenting data. 
  • In History, we will be answering the question, ‘How has air travel changed in modern life?’
  • In PSHE, we will be considering 'Healthy Me’.
  • In Music, we will be learning and performing ‘Round and Round’ with glockenspiels.
  • In D&T, we will be designing and making our own fruit kebabs.
  • In P.E, we will be participating in target games (outside P.E.) and yoga sessions (inside P.E)


Keep checking the page for regular photo updates of our learning. 


If you have any questions or queries throughout the year, please don’t hesitate to contact us using the school office email addresses.


Mrs Parker and Mrs Smart

Science- this term, we are learning about humans and their senses. Today we drew around a child and thought carefully about our body parts and which help us to sense different things.

Maths- this week, we have been enjoying learning about shape. Today, we explored 3d shapes. As we talked about their properties, we found different ways to sort them.

Computing- this term, we are learning to program robots! This week, we enjoyed programming the Blue-Bot and making predictions as to where they would end up. We loved sending the bluebot around the world map!

Spring 1 Term Learning

Happy New Year and welcome back!


We hope you have all had a restful Christmas break. We are looking forward to another brilliant term with the children.


This term’s whole school value is ‘Perseverance’, which we will learn more about in our class services, as well as in the classroom. 


 What does learning look like in the Spring term?


During the spring term, the children’s learning becomes slightly more formal than in the autumn term, with the children working with more independence.


What will we be learning about?


  • In English, we will be creating our own senses poems and innovating the story of the Gingerbread Man.
  • In Maths, we will be learning about 2D and 3D shapes and becoming confident with place value to 20.
  • In Science, we will be learning about animals and humans and focusing on our senses.
  • In RE, we will be exploring the question, ‘What do Christians believe God is like?’
  • In Computing, we will be learning to move a robot through programming.
  • In Geography, we will be answering the question, ‘Where do our favourite animals
  • live around the World?’
  • In PSHE, we will be considering our ‘Dreams and Goals’.
  • In Music, we will be learning and performing ‘Into the Groove’ with glockenspiels.
  • In Art, we will be drawing and painting inspired by Arcimboldo’s ‘Vegetable Man’
  • In P.E, we will be building on our fielding and striking skills.


Keep checking the page for regular photo updates of our learning. 


If you have any questions or queries throughout the year, please don’t hesitate to contact us using the school office email addresses.


Mrs Parker and Mrs Smart
