The Wildlife Trusts - 30 Days Wild
Have a look at the Week 1 (Mon 1st June) Home Learning page to find more information about this challenge. Find the "Random Acts of Wildness" for this week below.
Roald Dahl
I know that lots of you are big fans of Roald Dahl. Have a look at this website to learn more about your favourite characters and discover some fun activities to try! We started to read "James and the Giant Peach" at school but didn't get the chance to finish it. You can listen to it being read if you click on the "Taika and Friends" tab on the website.
New Maths Challenges
Try these Maths challenges to improve your problem solving skills. If you don't find the answers straight away, keep trying!
Times Tables
Don't forget to keep practising your times tables! You might like to try these sheets to help you to practise.
BBC Bitesize
If you would like to try something different, instead of the daily activities I have suggested, have a look at BBC Bitesize and choose some sessions that you find interesting.
Oak National Academy
Take a look at the "Creative" lessons on this website. There are 9 different lessons to choose from including lessons on how "To make insects using natural materials" and "To go on a texture treasure hunt".