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Christ Church Primary School

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Christ Church Primary School


Year 2 Home Learning Work for Friday 1st May


Work on Doodle Maths for 15 minutes.

Have a go at this "Make it!" maths challenge. 


Practise your spellings (look-say-cover-write-check) for 10 minutes. 

Look at Monday's home learning page to find this week's spelling list. 

Get someone to test you. 

Choose a book to to read aloud to an adult. Make sure you share ideas and discuss what is happening in the story.
Writing task: "Hide and seek" -  Write a set of instructions on how to find something in your bedroom. Think about the positional language to help find the object. Can someone on your family follow your instructions to find the object?


You could have a go at these activities based on a bible story about Jesus.
