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Christ Church Primary School

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Christ Church Primary School


Welcome to the PTA section


Thank you for coming to look at our page Christ Church PTA.  Hopefully you can find all the information you need on here but if you have any questions please do not hesitate to come and speak to us.  Everyone is welcome to get involved with the PTA as much as they would like.  Any help is greatly received and makes a huge difference to the amount of events we can hold and money we can raise.

We are a group of parents with children currently attending Christ Church and teachers who work in the school.  We aim to hold events to raise money for the school to use for resources and activities not covered by their budget to benefit the children of Christ Church.  We try to organise a range of events so everyone can have fun.  The PTA is a great way to get a better understanding of your school and have fun with some of the other parents.

P.T.A. officers for 2023 are:


Co-Chairs :        Shannon Brisland and Sally Walker

Secretary :         Claudia Ford-Please and Phillippa West

Treasurer :        Rebecca Atkinson and Victoria Knox                    

2023-2024 how did we do?

We have had a fantastic year in 2023-24 and would like to thank every parent, teacher and friend that has helped organise, attend, and run the events over the last year.  We have been able to raise vital funds for the school and are looking forward to the next year together.

What we raised and how we spent it

Events 2024/25


We hold monthly PTA meetings to organise and plan for upcoming events which everyone is more than welcome to attend and an annual general meeting.  We alternate between a more formal meeting at school with a teacher representative and a more informal meeting at a pub to discuss upcoming events.  We also have a PTA Lite team who help us by volunteering as and when they can. Grandparents are equally welcome to help, as the children really benefit from a broad spectrum of ages, skills and knowledge, and it’s a great excuse for them to see the grandchildren more often.

Our AGM is held once a year and is an open forum for all parents to find out more about how the PTA is organised and how our funds are raised and spent. We also elect the Chairperson(s), Treasurer(s) and Secretary(s), which is a requirement of our charity status.

Getting Involved


To keep everyone updated we add information to the school’s weekly newsletter and we have a PTA notice board in the school playground underneath the clock near the year 5/6 entrance.

We also have class representatives who get the message out on the watts app groups for all year groups and are a great place to make enquiries if you would like to be more involved.

Our class representatives are-

Reception           Gemma
Year 1                   Danielle
Year 2                    Frankie
Year 3                   Claudia
Year 4                   Frankie
Year 5                   Carla
Year 6                   Rachael B


We put on a wide range of events to try and raise money for the school.  But there are other ways which parents, grandparents and family can help below.


My School Fund - Parents can register an account, link a debit card and then every time you spend in certain outlets including Sainsburys and Argos, the school fund receives 2% and you receive 1% which are turned into e-vouchers.

Easy Fundraising – Another way we raise money is from online shopping. We ask parents to sign up to Christ Church Primary School - Cheltenham Fundraising | Easyfundraising and use the links to take you to your usual online retailers (Amazon, John Lewis, M&S, E-bay and Argos to name but a few). A percentage of the amount you spend then comes directly to the PTA at no extra cost to yourself.

Name labels  
Stamptastic – we receive 15% commission when anything is ordered through this link or by using our PTA code GL502NR.

Donations – Financial donations are very gratefully received. We also welcome any donations of goods or services that we can use as a raffle or other prize. Any way you can help us, whether it be a prize, a financial donation or an hour of your time would be fantastic.

Clothing Bank

How to contact us

There are lots of ways to contact us:

Membership form
