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Christ Church Primary School

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Christ Church Primary School


Year 2 Home Learning Work for Thursday 25th June


Work on Doodle Maths for 15 minutes.

Watch the video for today's lesson: Compare mass.


Complete today's worksheet.


Spelling: Practise your spellings (look-say-cover-write-check) for 10 minutes. 

Look at Monday's home learning page to find this week's spelling list.

Reading: Choose a book to listen to on "Storyline Online". Can you retell the story to someone else in your family?

Writing: Read through the Thursday booklet to check that you understand the tasks. Complete as much of the booklet as you wish. The "Noun Phrases 2" PowerPoint is attached separately. 


Hopefully you have some cress seeds ready for today's session! Read the session plan to find out what you need to do and I hope you enjoy creating your cress heads! Send me photos if you would like to. 
