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Christ Church Primary School

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Christ Church Primary School


Year 2 Home Learning Work for Thursday 21st May


Practise using money by playing this "Toy Shop Money Game".

Watch the video for today's lesson: The 5-times table.


Complete today's worksheet.


Spelling: Practise your spellings (look-say-cover-write-check) for 10 minutes. 

Look at Monday's home learning page to find this week's spelling list.

Reading: Choose a book to to read aloud to an adult. Make sure you share ideas and discuss what is happening in the story.
Writing: Complete the Thursday writing booklet. Today's activities involve parents or other family members too as you will have to help with some of the reading!


Today is the live art lesson with Rob Biddulph! Hopefully you have already registered and you'll be ready to join in with the lesson at 4pm today. If you haven't heard of Rob before, have a look at his website and maybe you could follow along with one of his previous videos for some practise before the World Record-breaking lesson!
