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Christ Church Primary School

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Christ Church Primary School

Autumn Term

See below for photos of this term’s learning.

Christmas Dinner 🎄 - we all had so much fun ⭐️

🍕DT Food Technology- Delicious Pizzas 🍕- our healthy recipes , including some of our 5 a day fruit and vegetables

Freedom church workshop - Emily and Andrew came in to teach us more about The Holy Trinity.

3 D modroc masks - stage 2 🎨

We have been developing our Cricket skills this term.

Our Art project is well under way - designing and making modroc 3D 🎭 masks.

Lots of fun was had today - as well as skills in confidence, physical proficiency and balance being developed - in our skateboarding workshop 🛹

Diwali , the Hindu festival of light was explained to us by Mrs Sugar , to conclude our RE topic on What Hindus believe God is like .

National Fitness day - 18/9/24. Year 4 greatly enjoyed team races along with devising yoga 🧘‍♀️ sequences.

Forest school outdoor skills - Noughts and Crosses made from natural materials.

Year 4 have been enjoying performance poetry where we have demonstrated expression, intonation and projection.
