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Christ Church Primary School

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Christ Church Primary School

Year 1

Welcome to Year 1 Class Page

Bumble Bee Class 2024-2025

Welcome to Year 1. We are looking forward to having a wonderful and exciting year with your children! 

Please click on the links below to find useful information about what we will be learning this year and how you can support your child at home. You can also enjoy seeing what your child has been learning in class through regular updated photos.


Year 1 Class Teachers

Mrs Smart class teacher Monday-Thursday lunchtime

Mrs Mrs Alexander Thursday afternoon and Friday


Year 1 Class Teaching Partner

Mrs Mwakyegula

Welcome to the Year 1 class page

Bumble Bee Class 2023-2024


Welcome to the Year 1 class page!

The Year One team are looking forward to having a wonderful and exciting year with your children! This is a space which we will update regularly with pictures and information about our learning as a class.


Year 1 Class Teachers

Mrs Smart will be the class teacher Monday-Thursday am.

Mrs Alexander will be the class teacher Thursday pm- Friday.




Year 1 Class Teaching Partner

Mrs Mwakyegulas 

Please click on the links below to find useful information about what we will be learning this year and useful resources that you can use to support your child at home. 

Welcome to Year 1 class 

Bumble Bee Class 2022-2023

Welcome to Year 1. We are looking forward to having a wonderful and exciting year with your children! 

Please click on the links below to find useful information about what we will be learning this year and how you can support your child at home. You can also enjoy finding out what your child has been learning in class.


Year 1 Class Teachers

Mrs Smart (currently on Maternity leave) will be the class teacher Monday-Thursday

Mrs Sheppard will be the class teacher on a Friday.

Mrs Moores is covering Mrs Smart's Maternity leave.


Year 1 Class Teaching Partners

Mrs Mwakyegulas & Mrs Stoddart


Welcome to Year 1!

Bumble Bee class 2021-2022


Welcome to year 1 Bumble Bee Class. We are so excited to be starting Year 1 with your children and to be their teachers for another year. We have got lots of exciting learning and investigating to look forward to!

Mrs Smart will be the class teacher Monday-Thursday and Mrs Sheppard will be the class teacher on a Friday.


Our Year 1 Rocksteady band.

In history we have been looking at toys from the past and how they compare to our toys today.

In D.T. we have been designing and making playground equipment

Construction and loose parts

Science: What is our favourite season and why?


We really enjoyed our first cricket lesson last Friday. We learnt to hold the bat and hit the ball. We also practised our throwing and catching skill.  Here are  our “champion catchers.”


Our first week in Year 1

Our new Classroom


Welcome to Year 1!

Bumble Bee Class 2020-2021 


Welcome to Year 1!  We are looking forward to an exciting year with your children. 


Teachers in class:

Mrs Walker -Monday and Tuesday

Mrs Readman - Wednesday-Friday

BEACH/SEASIDE DAY - we all had fun doing activities based around the seaside. We played in water and sand, investigated the rock pool, surfed the waves and painted shells.

Fruit Kebabs - Today (2.7.21) we enjoyed making and eating fruit kebabs as part of our Design and Technology topic. We used a knife to cut out fruit and carefully washed up the equipment we used. They were YUMMY!

RACE FOR LIFE. Well done Year 1. You all ran at least 2 KM today

Tasting fruit! We all tried different fruits today including pineapple, melon, strawberry, raspberry and grapes.

As part of maths day we thought about how many jelly beans were in the jar. We made some good estimates. How many jelly beans do your family members think there are?

We have been using percussion today and hope to put it with the recorders tune next week.

As part of art week, we had a look at the artist Claude Monet. We did our own artist study and produced some seascapes using techniques that we had learnt through the week

In art we have been making mini sculptures of fish

In Science this half term we have been learning about plants. First we sorted wild and garden flowers, then we learnt about how plants become plants with the journey of a seed (we also planted some of our own to watch them grow!). We then moved on to looking at different types of tree and their leaves and finally used all of the things we had learnt to make and label a flower. We have really enjoyed this topic.

More recorders. We are doing so well with our lessons and know 3 notes and 3 songs. Mrs B also had some different recorders for us to try today.

Our Science learning journey about plants

We are really lucky this term because we get to play recorders as part of our music lessons. Mrs B comes to teach us.

Today (23.4.21) we learnt about different instruments and how they are played. We then learnt how to hold a recorder properly and tried to play the note B. We had lots of fun playing different rhythms with the same note. We also learnt how to clean the recorders and put them away safely.

Year One's Home Learning Projects

In this section of our class page you will find some learning projects to do at home.  Each week new activities will be added. To access them, please click on the picture icon for that week (e.g. Summer week 1 is a bee) and you will be taken to the resources you need for that week.  Have fun doing the activities you can manage together.  

If you have any questions or want to share any learning that has been done please send us an e-mail. 

                                                                  Mrs Walker and Mrs Readman.


Have a wonderful summer Year 1!

Faith has earnt a Blue Peter badge for her amazing story. Well done Faith.

Summer Reading Challenge

Blue Peter 6 badges of Summer

6 Badges of Summer - Blue Peter Badges. Can you earn a Blue Peter badge this summer? Have a look at the link below to see how to apply for one. You have to be 6years old to apply and it could be for something that you have already done during lockdown.

Home Learning from week 4. WOW you have been busy again and I have recieved LOADS of wonderful pictures showing all of your super Home Learning. Well done Year 1!

Looking to the Rainbow Music Video


You will have had an e-mail about a music video we would like to create.  All you need to do is to learn this song and then video yourself singing it and send it to me.  My girls and I have had a go at doing this.  It was great fun!  Here's a snippet of me practising!

Take 1!

Still image for this video

Learning from week 3! some super activities going on. Keep it up and keep sending us your lovely photos! WELL DONE YEAR 1. Take time to read Faith's and Ruperts stories!

Wednesday 22nd April

Hi Year 1, I've created an RE Kahoot Quiz for you.  Can you tell an adult what RE stands for?  

The pin you need to play this quiz is: 07532510

I will put the link below too if you need this.

Good Luck!

You have until Monday to complete it.

Mrs Walker x

Well done to all of you who completed the alphabet Kahoot quiz. Great work by all 🙂

Spring Term Home Learning (Including Easter activities)

So the Spring Term has now ended and it is officially the start of the Easter Holiday.

It has been a very strange term and we want to say well done for all the wonderful work you have completed, at school and at home during the term, especially on doodle maths!

We would really like to find out what more of you have been up to each day so that we can post your work on here to show your friends, so  send one of us an email with a few example in.

For the next two weeks we want you to relax and have fun. We have attached a grid which is full of fun Easter activities and video story links that you might like to try with your family.

We will continue to post fun activities over the next two weeks, so keep popping back.

Keep looking after each other and make sure you stay safe.

All the best, Mrs Readman and Mrs Walker.

You have all been working really hard and some of you have been sending us pictures of your home learning. You have been writing, baking, colouring, experimenting, creating and more! Well Done and keep it up!

Tuesday 14th April


Hi Year 1, I have had a go at creating my first Kahoot Quiz.  It is all about the alphabet.  Have a go.

The pin you need to play it is: 09732579

You have got until Friday morning.  Good Luck!


Mrs Walker

Egg character challenge! Can you make an egg look like your favourite character from a book or film? Can you guess which characters my daughters have made? Remember to send us some pictures of your creations. Mrs Readman

Monday 13th April. Hope you have had a great Easter weekend, Well done for working so hard!

Still image for this video

Happy Easter Year 1, have a lovely day xxx

8th April Make a Bunny challenge. How many of you can have a go at making a bunny picture using natural materials found in your gardens or on your daily walk. Remember do not pick flowers out of other peoples gardens! Send us your efforts!

6th April

Well done to the 14 of you that completed the Kahoot phonics challenge...… 3 of you were top scorers getting 100%, but I could only identify Toby, as the rest of you have used parents names...…. :) but well done. See below for a new challenge!

New Kahoot Challenge set 6th April - I have set a maths number kahoot challenge for you. You have until 12:00 on Monday (13th April) to complete it.


To access the challenge log on using this link:


Password: 0984854 

Thursday 2nd April: Well Done Year 1 on your Doodling! Big shout out to our top star earners this week who have managed to get over (or close to) the top stars from last week! Alexandra - 205 stars, Lily-Rose - 144 stars, Olivia - 138 stars and the one to beat next week is Logan's score of 298! WOW!

Good Morning Year 1. It is already the beginning of April! We hope you are enjoying the challenges and activities we have left you. Remember that the doodle Maths Easter challenge started yesterday (1st April), but you still have time to join in. Lets see how many of you can earn a badge and certificate for completing the challenge. There is a link below in the maths section of the page. Your grown up will need to read the rules too! Good Luck!

We have also put some Maths skills activities in the maths section of the page. Have a go at them. Please let us know how you are getting on with the challenges. We would love to see what you have been doing whilst at home.

I also set you a word challenge on Tuesday (see the video below with Always Be Kind in). I will post the answers that myself and my children have come up with tomorrow (Friday). 

Always be kind words challenge - Mrs Readmans answers!

Hello Year 1, quiet here without you!

Still image for this video

Tuesday's Challenge - Always Be Kind!

Still image for this video

Word of the Day

Still image for this video

Good Morning Year 1

Still image for this video

Be Creative!

Still image for this video

Creativity in the Walker house

Still image for this video

The Readman's doing draw with Rob #drawWithRob. Have a go with your family!

Week 2 -  Home Learning - Our Local Area (wk beg 30th March)
If you have been decorating your window with rainbows, you might be interested in this week's window art theme which is sunshine. Get creative and let's see what beautiful sunshine art you can create to brighten up your windows.

Sing some songs at home, your child will know some of them, there are dances too!  See link below:

Hello Year 1!

Still image for this video

Vocabulary Ninja Word of the Day - discuss the Grasshopper Word of the day with your child.  We do this at school.  Can you put the word in a sentence?

Science - Animals including humans (looking at pets):

We have been looking at animals in our science lessons this term and have been looking after our class Sea Monkey's - see if the children can

talk to you about how we set them up and look after them. We have also learnt about mammals, reptiles and birds and have used BBC schools

learning page to help us understand the difference

Below are some other activities about animals that you can do at home.

Science - Animals (pets)

Other ideas to do at home:

Here are 40 acts of Kindness that you might be able to complete whilst you are at home! How many can you do?

Lego Challenge - You all know that we love Lego in Year 1. We think you will all love this challenge...... Let us know how you get on! Here are some examples from our own children


Hi all. We know a lot of you love Tweedy. He has got a live show today (Wednesday) and every Wednesday for a few weeks.

To see his show look at one of the following -



We love iSingPOP in Year 1, if you want to have a go at some singing at home have a look at this.  


We can't be in schools, so we decided to bring some iSingPOP fun into your homes instead!

Welcome to Bumble Bee Class!

Welcome to Year 1’s class webpage. Here you will find photos of all the exciting things we have been up to and there will also be class letters and other useful information for you to browse.


Have we always been able to fly?

Year 1 Phonics Meeting Information

Investigating materials for the 3 pigs house

The Literature Festival

Using our violin bows for the first time

Practising our balancing skills in PE

Whole Class Strings

First few days of learning in Year 1

(September 2019)

Sites to help with extra learning at home. Remember to do doodle maths and reading at least 4 times a week
