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Christ Church Primary School

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Christ Church Primary School


Yesterday's Solution

Morning Challenge!



Go to White Rose Maths Home Learning Week 6 for today's video on Equivalent Fractions, Decimals and Percentages 


Today you will need page 6 in the booklet. Persuasive Games! 




Today, check our JK Rowling's new story the Ikabog. 


In school, we are reading Mr Searle's story "Shakespeare's Wooden Leg" so if you are not coming back to school, you might like to read it. You can see it on the Year 5 Class Webpage. 

Science - Light Where Does Light Come From?

Recap your learning by discussing the questions on the Lesson Presentation.

  • What is a light source?
  • Which objects appear to be light sources, such as the Moon?
  • How does light travel? 
  • How Does Light Help Us See?

Use the Lesson Presentation to explain what light is, and how it travels.
Light rays travel in a straight line from a light source, reflect off an object and into our eyes, enabling us to see the object. Can you describe how light is travelling to enable you to see some objects around you?

Activity 1
Model It! Draw a model to show how light enables us to see. Draw a ray of light, and a light source and an object. Show how the light travels from the source to the object and then your eyes. There is a worksheet below if you prefer. 

Can you draw another diagram, adding a mirror to show how light reflected from the object is then reflected from the mirror to the other person's eyes.
Activity 2

Produce an educational programme for children all about how light enables us to see. You can use the differentiated Learning Lab Activity Sheet to plan your programme. You might want to use pictures or diagrams, or even props to support your explanations in the programme. Get into character as scientists! If possible, you could  film your programmes, or act them out to someone at home! 

Fancy something different?

Makeit: Why not make a non-fiction book about how light travels and how we see? Add information about light sources and the eye too! You could draw pictures and diagrams to make your book more attractive, or even add pop-ups!
Researchit: Can you find out how fast light travels? How long does it take for light from the Sun to reach our eyes?
