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Christ Church Primary School

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Christ Church Primary School

Additional activities

Here are a few activities and tasks that you might like to complete throughout the week.

The Wildlife Trusts - 30 Days Wild

Have a look at the Week 1 (Mon 1st June) Home Learning page to find more information about this challenge. Find the "Random Acts of Wildness" for this week below. 

Draw with Ed Vere: Mr Big

Have a go at drawing Mr Big - we read this book in school!

Write a book review

Use the template to write a book review about a book that you have read and enjoyed recently. 

Reading comprehension task

Read the information about social distancing and then use this to answer the questions. 

Maths Challenges

Try these Maths challenges to improve your problem solving skills. 

Out of the Ark Music

Choose some new songs to learn or sing your favourite songs that we sing during Service at school!


A new episode is released every Friday (there are 7 episodes on the YouTube channel already). 
