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Christ Church Primary School

Home Page

Christ Church Primary School


Welcome to Ladybird Class page

Reception 2024-2025

Welcome to Christ Church. We are very excited that your children have joined our school family and we look forward to working with you and them.  

Important information for the year

Other Useful information:


Things to bring to school:   

A named book bag  

A named coat (even if it is warm a waterproof ‘just in case’ is a good idea!)  

A named water bottle (not in book bags please!)  

A named packed lunch if they’re having one 

A named PE kit (PE will take place twice a week. PE kit can stay in school and will be sent home at half-term for a freshen up. Please make sure all long hair is tied back every day and that everything is named.)  



Some Of Our WOW Moments:

Over the year we will add photos of some of the special things we have been up to in the folders above headed Autumn, Spring and Summer.
All other photo updates are on tapestry.



Reception 2023-2024

Welcome to Christ Church. We are very excited that your children have joined our school family and we look forward to working with you and them.  Thank you for letting us visit your homes; it was lovely to spend time with you and your children.

Meet the team!
We are very lucky to have an amazing team of teachers and teaching partners in Reception.

We are looking forward to an exciting year with your children. 


Teachers in class:

Mrs Walker -Monday and Tuesday

Mrs Readman (EYFS/KS1 Lead) - Wednesday-Friday 

Teaching Partner in class:

Ms Freer - Monday-Friday

1:1 Teaching Partner in class:
Mrs Goodrich - Monday- Friday

Important Information For Each Term

Other useful information:

Things to bring to school:   

A named book bag  

A named coat (even if it is warm a waterproof ‘just in case’ is a good idea!)  

A named water bottle (not in book bags please!)  

A named packed lunch if they’re having one 

A named PE kit (PE will take place twice a week. PE kit can stay in school and will be sent home at half-term for a freshen up. Please make sure all long hair is tied back every day and that everything is named.)  

Some Of Our WOW Moments:

Over the year we will add photos of some of the special things we have been up to in the folders above headed Autumn, Spring and Summer.
All other photo updates are on tapestry.


Previous Years information

Reception 2022/23

Meet the team!
We are very lucky to have an amazing team of teachers and teaching partners in Reception.

We are looking forward to an exciting year with your children. 


Teachers in class:

Mrs Walker -Monday and Tuesday

Mrs Readman - Wednesday-Friday 

Teaching Partners in class:

Mrs Alexander - Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday AM

Miss Freer - Tuesday PM, Wednesday PM, Thursday, Friday

Please scroll further down and you will find photos of some of the special things we have been up to. All other photo updates are on tapestry.

Celebrating Number Day with all things number!

Santa came to visit us on the last day. We told him what we would like for Christmas and he gave us a small chocolate gift and a Gonk (the Christmas Pixie as it is known in the Netherlands)

Autumn 2 - We were really lucky and took part in a Kapla workshop. We made houses, trees and a river. Look what fun we had :)

AUTUMN 1 - We have had a really busy and fun first half term. We have made new friends and explored our new classroom and outside area.

PSED 'Our Rights'
