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Christ Church Primary School

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Christ Church Primary School

School Dinners

School Dinners

School dinners are freshly prepared on site by Caterlink. The cost of a school dinner is £2.71 per day/£13.55 per week.


The method of payment is on-line using Parent Pay. Activation letters are available from the school office in order for you to set up an on line account to pay for your child's school dinner.


If your child has an appointment and will be late into school, please ring the school office before 9.30am to book your child's dinner.

Autumn/Winter 2024-25


Children may only bring fruit / vegetables, or a cereal bar for a snack. Foundation Stage and KS1 benefit from the Government Fruit and Vegetable Scheme, which provides each child with a free daily snack of a piece of fruit or vegetable. Every child has a water bottle in the classroom and has access to drinking water throughout the day.



Milk can be ordered via a company who organise this for schools called Cool Milk. To register your child, you can pick up a form from the school office, alternatively you can follow the above link and register your child through the website.

Free School Meals

If you are unsure whether you are eligible click here: FSM Checker, or pop into the school office for some help.
