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Christ Church Primary School

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Christ Church Primary School


Morning Challenge


Check out this fast action maths game to practice your arithmetic

 Try this SPAG mat and see how well you did. Are there any areas of SPAG that you are finding tricky or need to revise? OOPS! Please note that the answer given for the first question is not correct. The object of the sentence is the ground, not the hovering spaceship!

Today you will need pages 8 - 10


Activity 3: Making a toolkit for suspense Before we start thinking about our own ideas for our story, we need to look closely at the text and see what writing tools/tips/tricks the authors has used to create suspense. You may know some of your own too.


Activity 4: Activity 4: Show-not-tell practice This is a great tool to use not only for suspense but for characterisation. We don’t just want to TELL the reader how the character is feeling. We want to SHOW them by what is happening to their body, how they are talking, how they are moving or how they treat people.


Activity 5: Empty words

The scary monster came up the stairs OR It crept up the stairs. Hopefully you can see it is the 2 nd one and the reason why is that we are hiding the threat from the reader. This means they have to imagine what ‘it’ is. Every reader will imagine something different that is really scary for them.


Transition to Y7 

The Premier League have created some activities to develop self esteem. Check out this website....
