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Christ Church Primary School

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Christ Church Primary School

Physical Education

'It is health that is the real wealth and not pieces of gold or silver.'

Mahatma Gandhi


At Christ Church we aim to deliver high quality Physical Education in line with the National Curriculum that provides children with the physical literacy to develop as lifelong participants in physical activity and sport. We educate and encourage children to make healthy lifestyle choices, thus contributing to their overall well-being.


As a school, we teach and promote the fundamental movement skills, balance and co-ordination, and ball handling skills needed to take part in a variety of both individual and team sports. We support children in following their dreams to take their competitive involvement in sport to which ever level they choose, each fulfilling their own potential. We aim to involve all children in some level of competition, whether this be through personal challenges, intra-school competition or inter-school events through membership to our local school sports network.


By following our school moto ‘Always be Kind’, our children understand the value and importance of team work, co-operation, perseverance and respect, through the values and Physical Education we provide. 


‘Sports teaches you character, it teaches you to play by the rules, it teaches you to know what it feels like to win and lose, it teaches you about life.’

Billie Jean King

A big well done to the Y5 and Y6 children who took part in the first race of the Move More Cheltenham District Cross Country League on Tuesday 8th October 2024. The rain was torrential but the children persevered and ran brilliantly in the muddy terrain, representing our school so well.

Physical Education in the National Curriculum


The children’s physical development is of vital importance, and Physical Education is regarded to be of equal importance to other curricular areas.



The national curriculum for physical education aims to ensure that all pupils:

  • develop competence to excel in a broad range of physical activities
  • are physically active for sustained periods of time
  • engage in competitive sports and activities
  • lead healthy, active lives.


We aim for our children to understand that exercise is essential for a healthy lifestyle through a broad and balanced programme of both curricular and extra-curricular activities, including gymnastics, dance, swimming, athletics and team games.  Each class is timetabled for two sessions of active Physical Education lessons per week with the aim of enabling children to make informed choices of sports they wish to pursue both at secondary school and in later life.  To this end, the school runs a number of sports clubs and teams and signposts children to a variety of sports clubs outside school.


In our P.E. teaching, we put a particular emphasis on swimming. We believe it to be an important life skill and a valuable form of exercise, allowing children to develop strength, suppleness and stamina. 


The school is a member of the Healthy Schools initiative and has been awarded the Sport England Activemark for Schools. The school is a member of the School Sports Network and takes part in a wide range of initiatives organised by the organisation.

PE Policy 2024-25
