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Christ Church Primary School

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Christ Church Primary School

Term 1 Autumn 2022

Year 2 Autumn Term 1 2022 

This term we will be answering the enquiry question "Why did the Great Fire of London destroy so much of the city?" 


Areas of learning for Term 1:

English – instructions, stories, diary entries.

Maths – place value and number, addition and subtraction

Science – materials and their properties

History – The Great Fire of London

Art – drawing scenes from the Great Fire of London

DT – Food Technology – design and make bread

PSHE – Being Me in My World

RE – Who are Muslims and what do they believe?

Computing – Uses of IT, Animation, Research

Music – Listening and Joining In

PE – Fundamental Skills through Cricket and Dance 



Opening our first class book - The Twits by Roald Dahl

History Detectives - looking at clues on how the fire of London started

D+T - tasting different breads

Making bread in a bread machine

Our new house PE t-shirts

All set up for our first Writers' Cafe where pupils write for pleasure

History drama activities

Noah recommends a great series of books!

Mike Mullen BMX Champion visits

History-diamond ranking activity - What were the best ideas to help people after the fire?

Hot-seating characters from "Vlad and the Great Fire of London" book

Colgate teeth hygiene lesson

History lesson - why did the fire spread so quickly?

History - looking at sources of evidence

Fire Service visit - sharing knowledge on the Great Fire of London

Books to read with a friend!

Art - sketching houses from the Great Fire of London

Darren Edwards visit - a disabled adventurer
