Welcome to Summer Term 1!
We hope that you all had a lovely Easter holiday and we are very excited to continue our learning in school.
Miss Devoy and Mrs Parker
Our learning enquiry for this term will be:
What happened to the Titanic?
In History, we will be learning about the voyage of the Titanic and how the passengers were split into different social classes. We will explore primary resources and debate why we believe the Titanic sank.
In English, we will first be using our Science knowledge to write letters that encourage others to take care of bees. We will then be writing newspaper reports and diaries about the sinking of the Titanic.
In Science, we will be learning about Living things and their habitats. We will be focusing on minibeasts and how they are adapted to their microhabitats.
In RE, we will be answering the question 'What is the good news Jesus brings?'
In Maths, we will be revisiting Number with a focus on using and applying our arithmetic skills.
In Computing, we will be practising our coding skills on Scratch Junior.
In Art, we will be designing and making a cross section of the Titanic.
In PE, we will be focusing on coordination and agility. This will help us to improve our tennis skills.
In PSHE, we will be discussing relationships.
In Music, we will be learning how to perform pieces of music on the glockenspiel.