R.E. - What is Christianity?
Look at different versions of the story of Daniel in the Lion’s Den – or read it from the book of Daniel.
Make a 6 or 8 frame for this narrative, using their literacy skills, like a comic strip.
The point of the story seems to be about things like bravery, trust, wisdom and principle.
Check out this video.
Discuss the possible meanings of the story. Why do you think it might be Nathan’s favourite story: can you suggest at least three reasons?
You might be thinking about how the Bible gives Nathan ideas and guidance, and about how he chooses to live as a young Christian.
Three young Christians give us three different perspectives on what the Bible means in their lives and how they read it.
They each talk about how it gives them guidance and they also show how they use different versions of the bible: childrens versions, adult versions, books and online versions.
They tell us about stories they enjoy and parts they find difficult to understand.
The Christian Bible is described: made up of 66 books, two ‘Testaments’ (39 books in the Old Testament and 27 books in the New Testament).
It’s been translated into over 500 languages and over 5 billion copies have been sold: the best selling non-fiction book ever.
For Christians, it is God’s word, full of guidance and wisdom, containing everything you need to know about salvation, about being right with God.