Today you will need page 7 of the booklet.
Activity 3 - Underlying pattern of adverts. Use this to roughly plan out a box-it-up plan for your own advert. This will be helpful for tomorrow when we start looking at tools for persuasion.
Touch Typing
I have found a new website which Bournside recommended as being a bit more "grown up" than DanceMat. It is called TypingClub and if you are going to Bournside next year, they will encouage you to use iPads so want you to have good typing skills. It's important you can type quickly whatever school you go to next year as lots of your homework will be done on computers.
Here is the link to check it out and have a go! TypingClub
R.E. - Hinduism
Hindus worship God in many different ways. In this resource, you will learn about one celebration of God in the form of the Goddess, Durga. Watch this clip from the BBC. This is a special festival of worship to Durga in Calcutta, a huge city in India.
Activity 1
Durga Puja
The clip shows a 9-day long festival called Durga Puja (also known as the festival of Navaratri). It is a lively celebration, full of sounds, colours, smells, tastes and other sensations. As you watch the clip, think about your five senses: seeing, hearing, tasting, smelling and touching.
Imagine what it would be like to be at this Hindu celebration.
• What things do you see and hear?
• Use your imagination: what would you taste, smell and touch if you were there?
Write down some of these ideas on the Using your Senses page below.
Activity 2
Some keywords. You have heard some important words during the clip. Can you say what they mean? You may need to watch and listen to the clip again!
Activity 3
What’s the story?
Hindus remember the Deity (god or goddess) in many different stories. One story that they remember at Durga Puja is the story of how the goddess Durga defeats the demon Mahishasur.
The demon Mahishasur unleashed terror on the world. The goddess Durga, full of energy, mounted a tiger and rode into battle. Mahishasur changed form many times: starting as a buffalo, he changed into an elephant, a lion, a man – and finally back to buffalo. Durga killed all these forms, until she defeated the demon.
You can watch a version here:
Can you see why Hindu women dance such a lot at the Durga Puja? It was a great victory of good over evil.
Activity 4
How would you illustrate the great battle between Durga and Mahishasur? Choose one or two scenes and do some drawings here. You could draw Durga with her many arms and the weapons given to her by the other deities.
Activity 5
What matters most?
What do you think is most important to Hindus at this celebration? Some suggestions are below, but you should add your own. Can you rank them to say which are most important all the way down to the one that is least important and say why?