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Go to White Rose Maths Home Learning Year 6 for today's lesson.
Today you will need pages 9 - 12.
Activity 7 - Creating a simple list poem
Activity 8 - Let's look at a model poem
Activity 9 - Extending our ideas to write our own - you can start this today and finish it tomorrow.
Other activity - Blue Peter Badge
Spend Wednesday afternoon finishing and publishing your Blue Peter badge letter/application. Make it as good as you can. Remember you may have to wait several weeks before you hear back from The Blue Peter team.
Send me a photo of your finished work! I'd love to see what you've been up to!
To apply for a Blue badge you must:
•Be between 6 – 15 years old
•Please send a creative contribution to earn your badge. This could be a poem, a story, some artwork, a model, a recipe, a suggestion for the show, or an interesting letter telling us about something you have done linked to your hobbies and interests
•Also include: your full name, your date of birth, your home postal address and postcode
•Post it to Blue Peter with the correct stamp on it (you'll need a 'large letter' stamp if sending an A4, or to pay for parcel postage if bigger than a letter)
Send your application letter and any other materials to the following address:
Blue Peter
M50 2BH