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Christ Church Primary School

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Christ Church Primary School


Experimenting with watercolour mixing in our sketchbooks

A very exciting service and workshop for British Science Week!

Making our sandals! It got very messy but we did a fantastic job of tidying up at the end of the day!

Exploring and evaluating sandals at the start of our “Sensational Sandals” DT project.

Investigating nutrition labels in our “Animals, including humans” science topic.

Making Mothers’ Day cards for our wonderful mummies!

British Sign Language (BSL) week

World Views 2023 Art and RE Competition.

World book day activities and costumes!

We have been improving our hockey skills this term!

Children’s Mental Health Week 2023 - this year’s theme is “Let’s connect”. We took part in lots of activities to connect with our classmates. Taskmaster teamwork challenges included making the best rainbow!

Student teachers from the University of Gloucestershire came in to teach us about Roman towns. We played an exciting game to learn lots of facts!

Investigating friction in science.

Well done to everyone for taking part in our “Look who’s talking!” oracy competition. We really enjoyed listening to your interesting talks.

We enjoyed investigating Roman artefacts in our history session. We thought carefully about what they may have been used for!

Geography Awareness Week has been a great start to our Spring term! We have loved challenging ourselves to remember all about the UK and also the continents and oceans.
