We cannot wait to get started on this term's learning! This term, we will be focusing on Vikings: Raiders or or Traders in History and in Science, we will be working on Electricity. We are lucky enough to have an external music teacher who will be teaching us brass on Fridays. Keep checking the page for regular updates about our learning!
Weaving project - Year 4 learnt the skill of paper weaving in our last week of this Spring Term.
We are so proud of the children’s Easter Service. They told the story beautifully using their oracle skills. Well done, Year 4!
Look at the fun we have had during British Science Week!
English - Persuasive Writing unit March 2023 . Do you like our fabulous chocolate bars we are marketing?
Year 4 and Year 6 were very lucky as they had a video call all the way from Thailand on Tuesday where they caught up with Ethan and Edward. They learnt about Asian elephants, animal osteopathy and life in Thailand.
Comic Relief at Christ Church , 17th March 2023. We celebrated Red Nose Day by putting our pound coins on Mr Nosey.
World Book day 2nd March 2023 - costumes , bedtime story pjs, miniature book making, estimating words on a page and Viking legend collages.
Pizza Party - our final tasting day .... a truly delicious end to our DT Food Technology Project.
Weekly Brass tuition with Mr Richards.
DT Pizza project - Preparation and planning day.
World Maths Number day - Year 4 explores PERIMETER using trundle wheels and metre sticks.
C.C. Oracy comperition February 2023 - Rupert Bowditch was our amazing Year 4 winner
Experimenting with pitch- pan pipes in Science
String telephones
Geography Awareness Week - 4th January 2023
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