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Christ Church Primary School

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Christ Church Primary School


Year 5 Home Learning Work for Thursday 30th April


Spend 15 minutes on Doodle Maths and / or Doodle Tables.

Watch the video for today's lesson: Subtracting decimals with different decimal places.
Complete as much of today's worksheet (below) as you can.


In the last few weeks, you have created a setting and character for a story, then last week you made a plan.

Now is the time to start writing!

Don't rush - remember a story needs to build up gradually so that the reader gets to know the characters and can empathise when something exciting then happens.

Think about the 'story mountain' we talked about when writing our WW2 stories in class.

I would expect today's writing to get you well on the way, but certainly not as far as the mountain peak. You will have two more sessions to complete your story in coming weeks.

Look at 'Shakespeare's Wooden Leg' for ideas if it helps, but remember I am writing a VERY LONG story - I'm not expecting you to do the same!


Last week you were finding out about Central America. I hope you discovered that one of the countries of Central America is Costa Rica.

Today's task is to investigate Costa Rica in more detail. I would like you to create a simple fact file about the country. Include information which will answer important questions. such as:

Where is it?

How big is it?

What is its population?

What is its capital city?

What are the other main cities?

What does its flag look like?

Does it have a President / Prime Minister / Monarch?

What currency is in use there?

What is the country like? Does it have mountains / rivers / lakes / coast?

What 'things' does the country produce a lot of? eg cars or oil or wheat or textiles


Put all the information you find into a Cost Rica Fact File document. I have included an example below for you to look at.
