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Christ Church Primary School

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Christ Church Primary School


Year 5 Home Learning Work for Monday 29th June


Spend 15 minutes on Doodle Maths or Doodle Tables.


Watch the video for today's lesson: Measuring with a protractor.

Complete as much of today's worksheet (below) as you can.

(Answers are at the bottom of this page.)


Practise this week's spellings (LOOK - SAY - COVER - WRITE - CHECK).


Read the text (below) about the ear and how we hear, then answer the comprehension questions in full sentences.

(Answers are at the bottom of this page.)


Our five senses are SIGHT, HEARING, SMELL, TASTE and TOUCH.


Today I would like you to go on a SENSORY WALK. You may decide to walk around your house or in your garden or you might go further afield. Write down things that you see, things that you hear and smell. Ensure you touch some things as you walk - how do they feel? Please only taste anything if an adult says it is safe to do so (eg a strawberry growing in your garden or a biscuit in the kitchen!).


Were you surprised by anything? Were there more sounds than you thought? Did something feel different to what you imagined?
