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Christ Church Primary School

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Christ Church Primary School


Year 5 Home Learning Work for Thursday 11th June


Spend 15 minutes on Doodle Maths and/or Doodle Tables.


Watch the video for today's lesson: Order and compare decimals

Complete as much of today's worksheet (below) as you can.

(Answers are at the bottom of this page.)


Practise your spellings.


Look around your home and choose a book that is a little more challenging than you would normally read.

Read it for 30 minutes and write down every word that is new to you or you are unsure of.

After the 30 minutes is up, look up the meaning of all your new words. Try to learn the meanings - ask someone to test you on them if you have time.





All books need an interesting cover. Your task today is to design and make the artwork to go on the front cover of Shakespeare's Wooden Leg. Think about a design or image that will grab attention on the bookshelf. You can use pens, pencils, paint or collage - and don't forget the title of the book.

