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Christ Church Primary School


Mr Searle can see you working hard, Year 5!

Year 5 Home Learning Work for Tuesday 7th July


Play Countdown with the spreadsheet below. Remember, you can use only one pink number and up to 4 green numbers and there are two targets to aim at. Good luck!


Watch the video for today's lesson: Reasoning about 3D shapes.

Complete as much of today's worksheet (below) as you can.

(Answers are at the bottom of this page.)


Here is today's spelling challenge:

Make a list of as many words as you can think of that end in F.  Here's an example: CHEF

There is one point available for each word you find.

YOU MAY USE A DICTIONARY, but please do not just Google your answer!

How expert are you?

10 pts - a fair effort

20 pts - good going

30 pts - you're a spelling star

40 pts - you can teach the class from now on!


Have a think about what living in the UK is like.

Today, I would like you to write an email to someone in another country (you may have a friend or relative abroad) explaining why the UK is a good place to live. Consider the climate, the countryside, the places to visit, the access to good education, jobs and shops. You might want to briefly mention a couple of negative aspects (eg lots of rain!), but try to do so in a positive way (eg I know we get a lot of rain, but it really helps make our gardens beautiful).



My Flag

Yesterday you invented a new country. Today, I would like you to design your country's flag.

Most flags are oblong - one or two are not.

Many use bold colours in blocks.

Some have writing on, but not many.

Some have images on.

Try to design something that fits in with what your country is like.

Here are some examples to help you think:

