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Christ Church Primary School

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Christ Church Primary School


Year 5 Home Learning Work for Monday 27th April


Play Hit The Button for 15 minutes - choose your own challenge, eg square numbers or halves.

Watch the video for today's lesson: Adding decimals with the same number of decimal places.

Complete today's worksheet (below).

Answers are available on the White Rose web site


Practise your spellings (LOOK-SAY-COVER-WRITE-CHECK) for 5 minutes.

Reading Comprehension - read the text about David Attenborough (below) and complete as many of the comprehension questions as you can.


Today's activity is linked to this week's theme - ANIMALS.


Your task is to design a brand new animal. You must think carefully about what your new animal looks like and why, how it lives, what it eats and what eats it. You must ensure that your animal is suited to its environment and lifestyle.

DRAW a diagram of your animal and LABEL it carefully to describe how it has evolved to suit it needs (e.g. Its long hind-legs allow it to jump high in the air to escape its predators.)
