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Christ Church Primary School

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Christ Church Primary School


Y5 Home Learning Work for Thursday 4th June


Play Mr Searle's 'Missing Operations' game using the spreadsheet below:


Watch the video for today's lesson: Fractions as operators

Complete as much of today's worksheet (below) as you can.

(Answers are at the bottom of this page.)


Practise this week's spellings.


Your board-game is now ready to advertise!

Today's task is to create an advertising poster to sell your game.

You will need to inform readers about the game - tell them a bit about it!

Also, you will need to persuade them that they shuld go out and buy it - make it sound amazing!

Add illustrations and colour to make your poster stand out.



Your board-game is nearly finished!

There is just one more job to do - design the artwork for the front of the box.

Have a look at some board-game boxes to see how they have been designed.

The name of your game will need to be clear, but otherwise it's your use of colour and carefully selected image(s) that will sell the game.

