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Christ Church Primary School


Year 5 Home Learning Work for Tuesday 5th May


Spend 15 minutes playing Mr Searle's Countdown game (below).

Remember, there are a number of challenges in this game:

1  Find a solution for one of the answers.

2  Find a solution for both answers.

3  Find solutions using different PINK numbers.

4  The ultimate challenge is to find a solution for each answer using each of the three PINK numbers (six solutions in total!).

Watch the video for today's lesson: Multiply a 4 digit number by a 2 digit number.

Complete as much of today's worksheet (below) as you can.

(Answers are at the bottom of this page)


Practise this week's spellings.


Read the information on the Plastic Pollution document below, then answer as many of the comprehension questions as you can.

(The answers are at the bottom of this page.)


Today's third activity is a practical task. I would like you to UPCYCLE something from your home.

Upcycling is a way of improving an old and tired, little-used item so that it can be revitalised (given new life) and look like new again.

Discuss with an adult at home, then choose an item (maybe a piece of clothing or furniture or an old toy), which you agree can be upcycled.

Think carefully about what you could do to it to make it look fresh and new, for example an old wooden chair could be sanded down and re-painted.

Have fun upcycling - when you have finished, evaluate the success of your project. Does it look newer and improved?
