This year, Gill Heron from Christ Church focused part of the “Prayer Space” on Fairtrade Chocolate as we have been exploring this in Collective Worship this term. The children learned about Tony's Chocoloney Chocolate and what Fairtrade means - they also sampled chocolate too, which was of course very popular! The children had a chance to reflect and ask God "Big Questions" which ranged from "Why is there war in our world?" to "Why are you so amazing?" to "Will I go to heaven?" One station was for forgiveness where children could understand what it means to forgive and they dropped pebbles into water as they thought about a time they have needed to forgive. A calm tent allowed pupils to enjoy tracing their fingers on wooden labyrinths. A thankful tree displayed the children’s drawings and scribbles of what they are thankful for. Another area had a sorry shredder – pupils could think of a mistake they had made and write it down then shred it, learning that God forgives. A popular activity was the sand trays where they could listen to music and leave an impression of themselves in the sand. There were peace doves, please playdough, friendship baskets and precious objects to explore. So many beautiful activities for our whole school to explore and reflect on. We’d like to thank Gill and Simon Heron for giving up almost 4 days this week to set up, run and take down this amazing event. Also thank you to the volunteers Maureen Jones, Maria Poldervaart and Emily Rattenbury for helping out too. A member of the Diocese of Gloucester came to visit too to see such a wonderful experience.