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Christ Church Primary School

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Christ Church Primary School


Year 5 Home Learning Work for Monday 11th May


Spend 15 minutes on Doodle Maths and / or Doodle Tables.

Watch the video for today's lesson: Area of rectangles

Complete as much of today's worksheet (below) as you can.

(Answers at the bottom of this page)


Practise this week's spellings (LOOK-SAY-COVER-WRITE-CHECK).


Read the text below about healthy eating and answer as many of the comprehension questions as you can.

(Answers are at the bottom of this page.)


Today's third activity is a practical task, which involves you cooking, so you may want to re-arrange it for another day in the week if that is more suitable.

I would like you to liaise with your family members to plan today's main meal. You will be responsible (with support from the adults in your house) for the preparing and cooking of at least one course (maybe a lovely bowl of home-made soup or a tuna salad or a raspberry cheesecake - YUM!). Try to do as much of the work yourself as you can.

Take a photo of your finished product. You can send me your photo if you would like to.
