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Christ Church Primary School

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Christ Church Primary School

Our Values

At Christ Church C of E Primary School, our school family, including children, parents, staff and governors, have reflected upon and selected five core values to live and work by. Our core values have been chosen to enhance and bring meaning to our vision and our motto, ALWAYS BE KIND, and to help ensure that all members of our school family flourish and develop on their own personal spiritual journey.


Our core Christian values have been chosen to reflect the views and beliefs of our whole school family and are: RESPECT, FRIENDSHIP, PERSEVERANCE, COMPASSION & CREATIVITY.


As a welcoming and inclusive Church of England school, we believe that everyone is loved by God and we strive to ensure that our vision and values are lived so that every member of our school family can develop and grow to be the best that they can be in all aspects of their lives. Underpinning each of our core values is the fundamental belief that kindness and forgiveness are at the heart of an individual’s spiritual development and our school’s Christian vision and practice.

A School Family


To help bring meaning and life to each of our core values, a key piece of scripture and key Bible story have been thoughtfully and carefully selected to help all members of our school family live our school vision in the ultimate hope that they can live life in all its fullness.


Our School Vision


SCHOOL FAMILY where all children and staff become the VERY BEST THEY CAN BE within the context of CHRISTIAN belief, practice and values.


A Guiding Hand


Our key piece of scripture that helps to guide and shape the life and work of our school family is taken from Joshua 1:9. 

This piece of scripture has been voted for by our whole school family.

Our new "Values Jars" where pebbles are added when values are demonstrated in school



‘Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.’  

Matthew 7:12


  • Respect yourself
  • Treat others the way you would like to be treated
  • Respect others’ thoughts, ideas and beliefs
  • Embrace difference
  • Look after your belongings and your equipment
  • Take care of our school
  • Take care of our environment
  • Gain respect by giving respect
  • Forgive others and seek reconciliation


Key Bible Story

Moses and The Ten Commandments (Exodus 19-24)


Moses and the Ten Commandments

Moses climbed Mount Sinai to speak to the Lord. The Lord wrote His commandments on stone tablets with His finger. Moses destroyed the tablets and the golden calf. The Lord gave the Ten Commandments.



‘A friend loves at all times.’  

(Proverbs 17:17)


  • Be empathetic, listen to your friend’s thoughts and ideas
  • Trust and respect others
  • Accept others for who they are
  • Support and stay with others, in good times and bad
  • Congratulate others and enjoy their success
  • Compromise and share
  • Be truthful and honest
  • Forgive others’ mistakes


Key Bible Story

"Through the Roof - Jesus heals a man" (Luke 5: 17-26)

God's Story: Jesus Heals A Man

Jesus healed a man who couldn't walk. He did that right after he forgave the man for all the wrong things he'd done and called him a friend. This happened in Luke 5:17-26. There's all kinds of cool stuff on the Kids' Club channel for you to explore and we're always updating with brand new content.



‘Let your light shine.’  

Matthew 5:16


  • Have a go – don’t be afraid to try and don’t give up
  • Try your hardest, even when things are difficult
  • Embrace challenges, don’t be afraid to make mistakes
  • Learn from your mistakes and forgive yourself
  • If a first you don’t succeed, try, try, try again
  • You may not be there yet but you are closer than yesterday
  • One thousand steps starts with one
  • Reflect on your efforts and achievements


Key Bible Story

The Lost Sheep (Luke 15: 4-7)

One Lost Sheep | God's Story



‘Be compassionate and kind to one another, forgiving each other,

just as in Christ God forgave you.’   

Ephesians 4:32


  • Everyone matters, no one is more important than anyone else
  • Take care of others
  • Forgive one another
  • Use your voice and hands for kindness
  • Care for our world and our environment
  • Be humble, recognise other people’s achievements
  • Think about others, listen to their thoughts and ideas
  • Stand in some else’s shoes


Key Bible Story

The Good Samaritan (Luke 10)

God's Story - The Good Samaritan

Still image for this video



‘Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind.’  

Romans 12:2


  • Be brave enough to try a different approach
  • Use your imagination
  • Be curious, ask questions and investigate ideas
  • Try a different way or something different
  • Don’t be afraid to change your view or perspective
  • Try something new or different
  • Be innovative, and have a go
  • Search for inspiration
  • Play, experiment, take a leap…
  • Forgive yourself your mistakes


Key Bible Story

The Creation Story (Genesis 1) 

God's Story: Creation
