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Christ Church Primary School

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Christ Church Primary School




Log onto DoodleMaths and spent 15 minutes collecting stars -there should be extra angles work set for you too. 


Go to WhiteRoseLearning Lesson 2 - Angles in Regular Polygons 

Summer Term Week 2 





Practice your spellings. 

This week’s spellings are:

bruise, category, cemetery, embarrass, environment, individual, profession, programme, stomach, sufficient.

Most children should aim to complete the 2* questions, however if they fancy a challenge, they can complete the 3* questions. For those who may find it a bit tricky, the 1* questions are available. Answers are included for marking.

Today you will need to complete:

Activity 3 – Artistic Challenge

Activity 4 – Idioms

Other - History

Card sorting activity (if you can’t print, you might be able to cut and paste the cards into a document on screen or just use the opportunity to talk through the possible answers).

Look at the time periods. Try to match up the crime, how it was detected and the punishment. Stick these in the right places on worksheet then write a sentence about crime and punishment in each of the time periods.  Answers are on another document.
