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Christ Church Primary School

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Christ Church Primary School


Year 2 Home Learning Work for Monday 29th June


Work on Doodle Maths for 15 minutes. 

Watch the video for today's lesson: Measure mass in grams. 


Complete today's worksheet.


Spelling: Practise your spellings (look-say-cover-write-check) for 10 minutes.

Reading: Choose a book to read aloud to an adult. Make sure you share ideas and discuss what is happening in the story.
Writing: Read through the Monday booklet to check that you understand the tasks. The main activity today is a reading comprehension so make sure that you answer in full and detailed sentences. Complete as much of the booklet as you wish.


In today's session, we are going to be looking at our beans! Don't worry if you haven't planted any or if your bean has not germinated yet (our beans in school haven't been very successful!). Read the session plan to find out what you need to do. 
