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Christ Church Primary School


Year 5 Home Learning Work for Friday 12th June


Use the spreadsheet below to set yourself a times table grid.

Today's investigation is about weights (or masses). The answer is that the grocer does not need anywhere near as many as 40 weights - but can you find the fewest possible? You might find that practical equipment helps you with this investigation - cubes or lego bricks would be good.


Ask someone at home to test you on this week's spellings.


I would like us to create a quiz about children's books.

Today, you will be coming up with the questions for me! (Here's an example: Who wrote 'Fing'?)

Think about all the best books you have read.

Make up ten questions - try to make sure they are quite challenging, but not so difficult that no-one will know the answer! Check that you have the correct answer.

When you have ten ready and checked, send them in to me in an email and I will put them together to make a class quiz.



History - Why did the Mayan civilisation become so successful?

Last week you found out that the Maya were very successful, building large cities and surviving for many hundreds of years.

But, they achieved all of this in a very difficult place: Central America is either very mountainous (with many volcanoes) or covered in dense tropical jungle.


Below you will find a document with 6 diamond cards on. Print this off and cut out the cards. Each has a possible reason why the Maya were so successful.

First, you will need to decide which 2 you think are the least important: discard these two cards.


Now you have 4 cards. Think carefully about the most important reason and place this in position at the top, with the least important now at the bottom and the two others in the middle - like the shape below. You may want to discuss your ideas with someone at home before finalising the position of the cards.

Finally, write a paragraph to explain and justify why you think the Maya were so successful in such a tough environment.